Entertainment this week

Clubs Professional women meet The Together Anna Maria Island Chapter of S.W.A.T. (Successful Women Aligning Together) is holding its November networking meeting and lunch on Thursday,...

Some Island students lose bus rides

HOLMES BEACH – Nine Anna Maria Elementary School (AME) students who live on the mainland and ride a school bus were recently given letters...

Termite tenting a harrowing task

HOLMES BEACH - The tent over the sweeping roofline of Gloria Dei Lutheran Church has been removed and so have the termites, hopefully. Earlier...

Chamber presents business awards

The Anna Maria Island Chamber of Commerce held its Installation Banquet and Small Business of the Year awards on Monday, Nov. 6, and there...

Don’t forget our veterans

In this week's paper, Cindy Lane features me as I was almost 50 years ago; a Marine in Vietnam. There were no "John Wayne" moments...

Tom Vaught

Sun contributor Tom Vaught covers obituaries. Email