Letter to the Editor: Keep AMI low-rise

Reference recent “bombshell” articles; it appears money and greed have purchased Bradenton power. Busting height restrictions will destroy our “old Florida” uniqueness and ignores our...

Letter to the Editor: Home rule at risk

I would like to thank you for your coverage of the controversial local bills being introduced by Rep. Will Robinson. It is extremely important...

Letter to the Editor: There will be no winners

The recent bombshell by the state delegation to undermine Island height restrictions, and potentially to dissolve the Island cities, reminds me of when I...

Letter to the Editor: A bone for every dog

I would like to thank The Sun for placing two articles in their paper for donations of Nylabones for the dogs at the County...

Letter to the Editor: Goodbye for now

I am most proud of my "resident" platform. I ran on that and always held true to it. As I reached out as I...

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