Reel Time: Don’t let the sun ruin your fun

Florida is known as the “Sunshine State” and anglers, especially those who sight fish, depend on the sun to see their quarry. Local anglers...

Reel Time: Seeing is believing

Polarized lenses are one of the angler’s best tools. They not only help fishermen avoid eye fatigue but also allow their vision to pierce...

Reel Time: My witness statement

I’ve been a resident of the Suncoast for 40 years. For 35 years of those years, I ran a contracting business and have seen...

Selby bioblitzes the Sister Keys

I’ve always been a big fan of Sarasota’s Selby Gardens and the work they do in the community and beyond. As a member, I...

Reel Time: Catch and release

Catch and release used to be a relatively new concept in sport fishing, one that recognized that fish populations are vulnerable and not the...

Rusty Chinnis

Rusty Chinnis is an avid fly fisherman, a photojournalist and a retired building contractor in addition to being a passionate defender of the local environment's importance to the health and economy of the area. A 42-year resident of Longboat Key and Manatee County, he is chairman of the board of Suncoast Waterkeeper, a founder and former co-chairman of the Sister Keys Conservancy, and founder and chairman emeritus of Sarasota Bay Watch in addition to being The Sun's Outdoors columnist. Email