A bridge too far?

What now? After more than two decades of discussions about the pros and cons of a tall, fixed-span bridge connecting the mainland with Anna...

A real estate plateau

There is a word that no one who follows an active real estate market wants to hear, and that word is "plateauing." What does...

More people and we’re still growing

We’re at the end of our winter season, and as much as I hate to say it, the traffic was worse than ever. I...

Home interest rates rising

Easter just passed, and, hopefully, you didn’t put all your eggs in one basket. But what if the United States puts maybe not all of...

Million-dollar sales

House styles are not that much different than fashion styles. What’s in fashion for housing may not change every year, but it does change...

Louise Bolger

Louise Bolger writes about real estate in Castles in the Sand. Email