Honesty is the best policy – especially in real estate

Good old Benjamin Franklin had it right well over 200 years ago – when you’re dealing with people the best course of action is...

Why aren’t you moving?

Last week we talked about moving and the emotional and financial toll it can take on your family. This week we’re going to touch...

Why are you moving?

One of the first things we ask when a friend or relative decides to move is, "Why are you moving?" That’s a question that...

We’re Americans; we borrow

Americans are very comfortable with debt, whether its household debt or government debt. And apparently, rising interest rates aren’t making any difference in our...

Who’s entitled to title insurance?

As discussed last week, everyone needs homeowner's insurance and an adequate amount. And of course, if you own a vehicle you need insurance on...

Louise Bolger

Louise Bolger writes about real estate in Castles in the Sand. Email