Real independence

July 4 is Independence Day, representing this country’s desire to be independent of not only the British but also to be self-sufficient, able to...

The buyer’s best buddy

I love learning new words, and I love applying those new words to anything in real estate. My new word is chimera, which is...

Real estate selling for the smartphone generation

If your smartphone has become an extension of one hand and the TV remote an extension of the other, then iBuying may be the...

What’s in a color

Did you know there is an entire segment of psychology devoted to color? Color can dramatically affect moods according to experts in color psychology, so...

We may be getting older, but we’re not stupid

Did you know that every day 10,000 baby boomers turn 65? Just to refresh your aging memories, baby boomers are defined as those born...

Louise Bolger

Louise Bolger writes about real estate in Castles in the Sand. Email