Is homeownership threatened?

For most Americans, their biggest source of wealth is the equity in their homes. But what if you never own a home? What if...

Real estate market disruption

Is there an algorithm in your future? If you’re planning on buying or selling a house, get ready for the future of real estate. In...

Fee-fi-fo-fum, do I smell a recovery?

Recovery, what recovery? That’s a word we left in our rearview mirror a long time ago. It’s true in Florida generally, and Anna Maria...

Order out of chaos

Writing has been compared to bringing order out of chaos, something I try to do weekly on this page, and one of the most...

Luxury ain’t what it used to be

Did you ever feel sorry for the really wealthy real estate owners? Well, we’re at a point in time when there might be just...

Louise Bolger

Louise Bolger writes about real estate in Castles in the Sand. Email