Mythical credit scores

Generally, credit scores are available through one of your credit card companies, financial institution or loan statement, and if you don’t know yours you...

When did $100,000 not become enough?

Once upon a time if you were earning a six-figure salary you were sitting pretty. You could easily buy a home, make sure your...

Are condos the future of housing?

In case you haven’t noticed, interest rates are low, real low. Most rates for a 30-year fixed-rate mortgage are hovering around 4% based on...

The ghosts of real estate

I never really believed in ghosts and evil spirits. It was always fun to talk about other people’s experiences at parties but since I...

You found the perfect house; now what?

You may think it’s finally over - you found your dream home, your forever home or your long-dreamed-of beach house. But guess what, unless...

Louise Bolger

Louise Bolger writes about real estate in Castles in the Sand. Email