Does anyone have a clue what’s going on?

Just like the coronavirus predictions about numbers of infections and deaths have been off the mark, so too are the predictions about the future...

When the real estate market sneezes, it infects everyone

The last thing anyone wants these days is for someone next to you in line at the market, the bank or in our slowly-opening...

What’s bad for New York may be good for Florida

I am a New Yorker, I was born in New York City and worked for 25 years in the city. Until I moved to...

Preparedness for COVID-19, hurricanes not the same

Since the middle of March, we have been filling our freezers to overflowing and our pantries with enough paper products to grow a forest...

Lockdown creativity

We are so living during a time when creativity can make the difference between just getting through it or getting through it with a...

Louise Bolger

Louise Bolger writes about real estate in Castles in the Sand. Email