When the news is good, be happy

The news hasn’t been that great recently, but the one bright spot is the country’s housing market. Likewise, Manatee County’s housing market is shining...

Are historic low interest rates a good thing?

I really hate to use this much-overused opening line from A Tale of Two Cities, but it works and I have no shame. “It...

Perspective on the real estate market

There’s no getting around it; what we’re living through is one for the history books. When we finally come to the end of the...

COVID-19 hitting the credit market

Just when you need credit the most it’s becoming more elusive. Americans have always depended on the equity in their homes as a slush...

Add one more problem to the list

I was at lunch recently with friends and we talked about new vocabulary words that may come out of the pandemic, like covid brain,...

Louise Bolger

Louise Bolger writes about real estate in Castles in the Sand. Email