Of building permits and contractors

I don’t have any real statistical knowledge, but my educated guess is there have been a lot of building permits pulled since March. With...

Examine your condo flood insurance

Last week, I reviewed a fairly new nonprofit called First Street Foundation, established to help homeowners understand FEMA flood zones and potential flood zones...

FEMA not the last word on flood risk estimates

We’re getting close to the official end of hurricane season and the accompanying flooding that comes with hurricanes. Every homeowner reading this column already...

Ghosts, goblins and COVID

Halloween is in a couple of days, the first holiday since COVID struck that wearing a mask is not only encouraged, but welcome. Because...

Appraisals in the time of COVID

Like everything during the difficult times we’re living in, property appraisals have become one more task to accomplish safely. Not only is it difficult...

Louise Bolger

Louise Bolger writes about real estate in Castles in the Sand. Email