Merry mortgage rate Christmas

It’s Christmas, and many of us in the country are spending the day much quieter than in years past. We can only hope that...

Real estate sales rise as pandemic continues

The COVID-19 pandemic is having an adverse effect on most parts of our lives and economy. Even though the stock market continues to climb...

Is your dream a vacation home?

Owning a dream vacation home is kind of like owning a dream boat, until you actually own one. The idea of it is so...

National real estate markets better than ever

The first big holiday of the holiday season is behind us. We’ll find out soon if it results in more COVID-19 infections and will...

Real estate markets upturned

The old rules governing a buyer’s and a seller’s market have been seriously adjusted in the time of COVID-19. Areas of the country where...

Louise Bolger

Louise Bolger writes about real estate in Castles in the Sand. Email