Changing real estate times

There is a Chinese curse that declares, “May you live in interesting times.” What we’re living through may be a curse or a blessing...

Price, commissions and marketing

What’s the common denominator in the real estate market? The sale price, the commission you pay to brokers and the marketing techniques. All three...

Did you get a 3D printer for Christmas?

If you’re old enough, you may remember the 1970 book by Alvin Toffler with the title, “Future Shock.” In the book, Toffler explained that...

Will you be a new Florida resident in the new year?

The secret is out: Florida is one of the best states in the country to live in. We’ve got the weather, we’ve got the...

Are you a risk taker?

Taking a risk is part of life. Making decisions that have a long-term effect like marriage, having children and getting a new job are...

Louise Bolger

Louise Bolger writes about real estate in Castles in the Sand. Email