What do Las Vegas and real estate have in common?

Who knew that even people who don’t like Las Vegas or gambling in general would be faced with the prospect of making some really...

Legislators toss condo rules out

For a while there I thought we would have one more headache to worry about in addition to insurance rates and hurricanes. On March...

Surfside: More collateral damage

It’s not surprising that as time goes on, more and more of what I’ll call “collateral damage” surfaces related to the Surfside building collapse...

When will the real estate market return to normal?

The definition of "normal" is conforming to a standard; usual, typical or expected. This statement in no way resembles the real estate market we...

Feng shui your entry

Eight thousand years ago, the Chinese philosophy of feng shui became part of everyday Chinese living. Their belief that everything in the environment is...

Louise Bolger

Louise Bolger writes about real estate in Castles in the Sand. Email