Does anyone know what’s going on?

I recently spent a weekend with some good friends, all of whom were either involved in real estate sales or still are. Naturally, there...

The end of an era

It’s so sad when eras end. We had the end of the hard-wired phone and even though you can still have one, no one...

Addictive real estate

Of all the things we can become addicted to in our difficult world, real estate is probably one of the safer vices. Or is...

Florida insurance reform – not

At the end of March, the Florida Legislature ended its session with an April Fools’ to every homeowner in the state. The legislators could not...

What do Las Vegas and real estate have in common?

Who knew that even people who don’t like Las Vegas or gambling in general would be faced with the prospect of making some really...

Louise Bolger

Louise Bolger writes about real estate in Castles in the Sand. Email