Back to the real world

We’re well into January, so it’s time to get back to the real world and one of the real world’s less exciting topics is...

Fear is in the air

Welcome to a new real estate year. Unfortunately, the new year looks a lot like the old year. With interest rates and inventory levels fluctuating,...

Building for rent, not sale

The American dream of single-family home ownership, according to certain builders and financial wizards who are paid to know these things, is on the...

Do you need a mortgage button?

The tradition of a mortgage button is a little scrimshaw button mounted atop a stairway’s newel post, as a symbol the mortgage was paid...

How big is too big?

Sometimes what seems like a great idea may not be in the long run. Kind of like that Jaguar you had to have when...

Louise Bolger

Louise Bolger writes about real estate in Castles in the Sand. Email