Painted rock honors young Iowa woman

ANNA MARIA – Bradenton Beach resident Rob Edwards made a heartwarming discovery while recently photographing the sunrise at the Anna Maria City Pier. Edwards, a...

Siddique, Shoemaker enter county commission race

MANATEE COUNTY – Democrat Diana Shoemaker and Republican Talha “Tal” Siddique both seek the District 3 Manatee County Commission seat currently held by Kevin...

Ferry will stop at Anna Maria

ANNA MARIA – The city commission has approved an interlocal agreement that allows Manatee County to use the City Pier as a Gulf Island...

Sebring departs Anna Maria Commission

ANNA MARIA – City Commissioner Deanie Sebring has vacated her city commission seat. Sebring participated in her final commission meeting on Sept. 21. In October,...

City budget approval expected Thursday

ANNA MARIA – The city commission will host a second and final public hearing for the adoption of the city’s $17.89 million 2023-24 fiscal...

Joe Hendricks

Correspondent Joe Hendricks covers Anna Maria and Bradenton Beach. Email